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New Jersey Door Replacement Company

In the market for an affordable door replacement? You'll find exactly that and much more at East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows. Our New Jersey door replacement company puts your concerns first throughout those exterior renovations. From installing new windows to updating the doors, we provide professional and cost-effective service.

Did we mention? Our company is also a BBB-accredited and A+ rated business dedicated to great customer service. It's a part of what has made us an award-winning door contractor. In fact, we're proud to be "National Best of the Best Award Winners" from 2019 to 2021.

Skilled New Jersey Exterior Door Replacement Services

At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we put a premium on skilled workmanship within our team. To that end, we've become ProVia certified installers able to help homeowners update both their patio doors and front entry doors. Our licensed contractors can deal with any minor repairs or issues they find during the door replacement, too.

As a top-rated door installation company, we provide certain benefits and amenities that take customer experience to another level. Some of those features include:

  • Warranty Protection: We provide a 10-year workmanship warranty with all of our services. Customers also enjoy a lifetime manufacturer's warranty from ProVia.
  • Multiple Door Types: Give yourself customized new doors with our catalog of options for patio and front entry doorways.
  • Energy Efficiency: Many of our doors qualify for an ENERGY-STAR rating thanks to insulating cores, premium weatherstripping, and warm edge systems.
  • Financing Available: We have partnered with GreenSky to offer financing for your exterior remodels, including door installation.

Customers often pair door replacement with new window installation. We'll be happy to take care of both for you. Our team also installs ProVia vinyl windows, available with tons of custom features and options.

Find Out More About Our New Jersey Door Replacement Company

A professional remodeling company can make sure your door replacement is carried out to the highest standards. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we'll do everything we can to make sure we are your first choice.

Our team of experienced contractors can also help you with:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Gutters
  • Windows

Find out more during a free consultation with a remodeler. Give us a call or fill out our contact form to get started with a complimentary quote.