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Mays Landing, NJ Roofing, Siding, & Windows Company

As a top-rated exterior remodeler since 1979, East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows knows customers have many concerns when it comes to their renovations. We do our best to soothe those fears with careful and attentive service. You'll always have our ear during calls and in-house consultations. Our Mays Landing experts also receive thorough training and certification for the work they do.

More than that, we strive to keep our services cost-effective. When customers turn to our BBB-accredited, A+ rated company, they can always count on us for affordable:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Gutters
  • Windows
  • Doors

Mays Landing Roofing Replacement Specialists

Our Mays Landing roofing company offers roof replacement services for a variety of budgets. From installing 3-tab roof shingles to designer architectural shingles, we have the selection you are looking for when installing a new roof. Our team also works with leading brands like GAF and CertainTeed.

Siding Replacement Services & More

With us, expect nothing less than the best results for your siding replacement project. We're proud to be an award-winning local siding company serving Mays Landing. Our Angi "Super Service Award" and "Best of the Press Gold Awards" speak for themselves.

Our home siding company installs premium vinyl siding and stone facades on your property. We also provide soffit and fascia repair services as a solo project or part of a remodel.

Gutter Installation Experts

Ready to get gutter replacement in Mays Landing? We install seamless gutters that are made for each customer's home. These sturdy metal gutter systems are less likely to leak and rust, which means they last longer. Our gutter company can also take care of installing gutter guards for you!

Efficient ENERGY STAR-Certified Windows

Energy-efficient window installation is important these days, especially if you live on the East Coast. Our Provia Windows & Doors are constructed from thermally resistant vinyl with double- & triple-pane glass options. With these products, our Mays Landing window replacement company can help you keep your home cozy and comfortable in all weather.

Doors Designed for Every Need

We also have a selection of energy-efficient exterior door replacements from Provia. We can help you create a customized look for your home, whether you are installing front doors or patio doors. Get new doors that are designed to provide protection against the elements, exterior noise, moisture, and more.

Ask About a Free Estimate for Our Remodeling Services in Mays Landing

Give your home exterior an update with help from East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows. We have worked with customers to give their properties more curb appeal and efficiency since the 70s. If you are ready for a free cost estimate, give us a call to set up your consultation for an exterior remodel right away.