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Mays Landing, NJ Siding Company

Do you know what to look for in a Mays Landing home siding company? Some homeowners look only for the lowest price, but price shouldn’t be the only consideration. Instead, look for siding contractors who provide the perfect mix of quality and value.

That’s what East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows has done since 1979, and our solid reputation and A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau give you confidence that you’ll get the quality updates you want.

What about price?

We don’t think you should have to overpay for the superior siding replacement services you want. We keep our prices competitive without sacrificing quality. Enjoy expert workmanship and outstanding customer service when you choose us for:

  • Siding Replacement
  • Siding Types
  • Stone Facades
  • Soffit and Fascia

Quality Mays Landing Replacement Siding

Our Mays Landing siding installers insist on the best for our customers, and that shows in everything we do from start to finish. We’ll help you choose a color and style that looks great on your home and provide professional installation that ensures a beautiful, durable result—and that’s a promise we stand behind with some of the best warranties in the business.

Your Choice of Siding Types

When our Mays Landing local siding company is on the job, you’ll know that quality siding materials are being used. East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows uses vinyl siding and other materials from trusted brands, such as CertainTeed. We’re proud to be 5-Star Contractor Certified with CertainTeed, and that designation means we’re held to high standards when it comes to the quality of our work.

Beautiful Stone Facades

Transform the look of your home’s exterior from ordinary to eye-catching with a stylish stone façade. As is the case with all of our siding, our skilled contractors have the skills to provide expert installation of your stone façade. You’ll love the way your home looks, and it will stand out from others in the neighborhood.

Professional Soffit and Fascia Replacement

Soffits and fascia protect your home from moisture damage and also give a finished look to your new siding installation. Choose a complementary color to provide architectural interest! New soffits and fascia are an excellent companion project to new siding, or they can be replaced as a stand-alone project.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Highly Reviewed Mays Landing Siding Specialists

Our Mays Landing home siding company is standing by, ready to help you get started on the home improvements you need. Contact East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows today for more information about the quality remodeling services we offer, including: 

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Gutters
  • Windows
  • Doors

Call today to chat about your project, or fill out our online form now to schedule a free consultation and accurate cost estimate.