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New Jersey Siding Types Company

Siding is easily one of the most stylish parts of a home. However, if you don't pay much attention to your siding product, your home can blend in with all your neighbors'. To prevent this, East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows is committed to providing a range of beautiful siding types for all homeowners.

Our New Jersey siding company has more than forty years of experience equipping over 25,000 residences with stunning and durable siding installations. We are extremely trusted to provide quality work every time. We've been accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating, and we're winners of the Angi "Super Service Award." If you value customer service as much as contracting expertise, you'll never be disappointed with our team.

Siding Styles for All New Jersey Homeowners

When investing in a New Jersey siding replacement, you'll need to make sure that your home stands out. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, this is what we excel at. We have a gorgeous selection of siding materials that'll suit any style. From high-end, premium options, to more affordable ones, we guarantee that you can receive exactly what you're looking for.

We proudly utilize CertainTeed siding in all our projects. This renowned brand has a range of options available, including:

  • Vinyl: Our most standard and affordable option, vinyl is a classic option that provides a timeless look and is easy on the wallet.
  • Polymer: CertainTeed's Cedar Impression siding provides the look of authentic shake siding, without the drawbacks that come from the traditional material.
  • Stone Composite: If you're going after a premium look, outfit your New Jersey home with STONEfacade siding.

In addition to these materials, our competent team offers soffit and fascia installations. When paired with our roofing services, you'll achieve a completely seamless appearance.

Begin Your Remodel With a Free Quote Today

Your Mays Landing area home deserves to look its best, and with the siding style selection offered by East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, this is exactly what you'll achieve. Invest in our siding service, roofing services, or New Jersey windows today, and start transforming your home's appearance. Contact our representatives for a free, personalized quote.