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New Jersey Window Types Contractor

Are you looking for a quality New Jersey window replacement company? At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we work with quality vinyl windows from a leading brand. ProVia Windows & Doors is known for its ENERGY STAR-rated products and wide selection of styles. Customers can create windows with a wide range of design choices.

Choose a shaped architectural window as a statement piece in your living room. Or simply add a slight tint to all of your windows for privacy and added efficiency. With hundreds of customization options, the design of your windows is only limited by your creativity.

Our New Jersey Window Installers Offer a Large Selection

Of course, the biggest design choice customers have to make is what window type to install in their homes. Our window contractors are fully trained and certified to install any kind of replacement window you have in mind. Some of our available window styles include:

  • Awning Windows: With a top hinge, these windows swing open like a traditional fabric awning to provide protection from the rain while letting fresh air enter.
  • Bay & Bow Windows: These box-style windows extend out from the house to create an architectural feature while bringing more light into the room.
  • Casement Windows: Usually crank operated, these side opening windows are great for tight or awkward spots in the home, like behind a kitchen sink.
  • Double-Hung Windows: Double-hung windows can open at the top or bottom window pane to maximize air flow and ease cleaning.
  • Garden Windows: We can also install garden windows, which are essentially a light box with windows on all sides. Grow potted plants for the kitchen or have a mini garden in winter.
  • Hopper Windows: With a bottom opening hinge, hopper windows allow humid, musty, or steamy air to escape the room when opened. They are popular for basements and bathrooms.
  • Picture Windows: Non-operable windows can also give you a great view without sacrificing on safety. These large windows are usually preferred in living rooms.
  • Slider Windows: Rather than a hinge, these windows have one fixed pane and one horizontal sliding pane. Sliders are preferred in areas with little available space for swing-open windows.

Learn More About Our Window Types for New Jersey Homes

If you are looking to update your home with beautiful, custom windows, turn to East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows. Our BBB-accredited and A+ rated exterior remodeling company can also help you with:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Gutters
  • Doors

Begin your free window replacement estimate now. Give us a call or fill out our online contact form.