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New Jersey Roofing Types Contractor

Every homeowner prides themselves on the uniqueness of their residence. To preserve that attribute, it's important to invest in exterior remodeling services that reflect the right style. If you've been in the market for a roof installation, you'll be pleased to learn that there are a variety of roofing types available. East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows is committed to providing them.

Our New Jersey roofing company has been a staple in the community since 1979 and has served over 25,000 families. Throughout these four decades of experience, we've made a name for ourselves as trusted contractors. We've won multiple awards for our customer dedication, including the Angi "Super Service Award", and we're accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating. When it comes to gorgeous roof installations, we're the team to call.

Beautiful GAF Roofing in New Jersey

Don't let your home's aesthetic fall behind! It's common for homeowners to neglect the necessary maintenance and repairs, but doing so can harm your home in many ways. While sacrificing function and integrity can be dangerous, losing visual appeal is just as important. The roof is one of the most frequently ignored areas of the home. If it's been many years since you've had a New Jersey roof replacement, or you've never had one in the first place, you'll want to look into the service. By hiring East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows to take on the job, you'll have a variety of roofing styles available for your Mays Landing area home, and all come from GAF.

GAF is a trusted, industry-leading roofing manufacturer. Their products come with countless benefits, including:

  • Durability: Built to withstand even the harshest of weather, GAF products are proven to last. Severe weather, winds, and rain have nearly zero effect.
  • Warranty Protection: This durability is backed up even further by their exceptional warranty. All their roofing products come with lifetime protection.
  • Style Options: GAF has countless shingle styles to choose from. Timberline is one of the most popular choices, but you can also upgrade to solar singles for boosted energy efficiency.

Start Your Project With a Free Quote Today

While a roof replacement may seem like a boring task, East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows' selection of GAF roofing types makes it exciting. No matter what style you're after, our products have the customization potential and durability to satisfy. Get started with our roofing, siding, or window services in New Jersey today. Contact us for a free price estimate.