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New Jersey Siding Replacement Company

The siding of your home can take a beating. From harsh winds to torrential downpours, over time it can begin to weaken and degrade. When siding begins to show signs of wear and tear, it's important to take corrective action. While a siding replacement may seem like a big job, it's crucial for preserving the longevity of your home. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we can provide the service at an affordable rate.

Our New Jersey siding company has been working to restore homes since 1979. In those 40+ years, we've earned A+ accreditation from the Better Business Bureau, the Angi "Super Service Award" and the GAF "Triple Excellence Award." Our commitment to high-quality installations and impeccable customer service is what establishes us as the best exterior remodeling team in the region.

New Jersey's Top Siding Replacement Company

You need an expert team of professionals to handle your home's siding. With East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, there's never any question about our competency. Our siding installers are the best in the business and are trained to handle all levels of siding work. We have an assortment of beautiful New Jersey siding types, including stone facade. We also offer flawless soffits and fascia for a comprehensive, seamless look.

Not sure if you need brand-new siding? If you're experiencing any of these tell-tale signs, it's worth investing in the service:

  • Warping and Bubbling: Warped or bubbling siding normally indicates water intrusion. If this is occurring, it's only a matter of time before your home is structurally damaged.
  • Higher Utility Bills: Siding provides insulation. If you've noticed increased draftiness or chilliness in the home, your siding may not be working as efficiently.
  • Fading: When siding color fades, it may mean it's losing its weather and UV resistance. You'll want to look into replacing it.

Start Your Installation With a Free Quote Today

If you're in need of a siding installation in the Mays Landing area, take action today. East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows can provide you with long-lasting, highly durable replacement siding that will give you decades of performance. As a comprehensive home remodeler, we also offer window installations and New Jersey roofing services. Take advantage of our services today and contact us for a free quote.