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Long Branch, NJ Roofing Contractor

Since 1979, East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows has provided quality roofing services in New Jersey, and our Long Branch roofing contractors deliver the excellent results and courteous service you expect. More than 25,000 families have improved their homes with help from our skilled professionals, and we’ve built a reputation for excellence, one job at a time.

Our New Jersey roofing company’s industry awards, positive customer reviews, and an A+ rating and accreditation with the Better Business Bureau give you confidence that your home and roofing project is in good hands with us. We provide:

  • Expert Roof Replacement
  • Quality Roofing Materials

Expert Roofing Replacement in Long Branch 

A roof installation is one of the most important exterior home updates. A new roof informs curb appeal, protects against the weather, and can even improve energy efficiency. That’s why choosing trusted professionals to install your new roofing system is a must. We deliver the long-lasting results you expect and stand behind our work with some of the best warranties in the business.

You might be wondering about cost.

We keep our prices competitive without sacrificing quality. Plus, budgeting is easier thanks to our simple financing options with attractive terms and low monthly payments.

Quality Roofing Materials

It’s only the best for customers of East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, and that is why we only use premium roofing materials from trusted brands like GAF. As a Master Elite contractor for the brand, we’re able to offer exclusive warranties. You’ll have your choice of many style and color options, and our roofing specialists will help you choose a new roofing system that complements your home’s exteriors.

Grab a Precise Price Quote from Our Trusted Long Branch Roofing Professionals

A new roof is too important to trust to just any contractor, and our experience and commitment to excellence give you total confidence that your home is in good hands when you choose East Cost Roofing, Siding, & Windows for:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Gutters
  • Windows
  • Doors

Call today to speak with a member of our team, or fill out our online form now to schedule a free consultation and accurate cost estimate with our award-winning New Jersey roof installers.