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New Jersey Asphalt Shingle Roofing Company

Homeowners in New Jersey and across the country have chosen asphalt shingle roofing as their top roofing choice for the past century. It’s an affordable material that offers a durable and reliable roof.

Asphalt shingle roofing technology has come a long way since the early 1900s, offering a wide variety of styles and colors for you to choose from. Our team at East Coast Roofing, Siding & Windows will be happy to go over all of the different options that will fit your home’s style and budget.

East Coast Roofing, Siding & Windows is a leader in asphalt shingle roof installations in New Jersey. We are committed to providing our customers with the best of the best, which is why all of our professional installers and field personnel are GAF and CertainTeed certified. We promise to do excellent work and you will absolutely love your new roof!

Is it time for a new roof on your home? Give the recommended New Jersey roofing company a call today to schedule a free consultation. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and help you prepare for your next roof installation.

Brands We Work With

We are proud to be among the 3% of roofing contractors to achieve the GAF Certified Master Elite status. As a Certified Master Elite Contractor, we are able to provide our customers with the Golden Pledge Warranty, the most powerful and substantial warranty in the entire roofing industry. GAF requires all of its certified installers to go through rigorous evaluations before they become certified. This ensures that you are not only getting the highest standard of service, but also an ethical one. The GAF Master Elite Certification also requires ongoing training to keep the certification active; our installers stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and applications being utilized in the industry.

Additionally, we are also a CertainTeed 5-Star Contractor, which allows us to offer the top warranties and products from the CertainTeed line. This certification also requires our installers to continue educational coursework that covers product installation, sustainable building, and best practices in the industry. To maintain this certification, East Coast Roofing, Siding & Windows must maintain a high rating with the Better Business Bureau and provide proof of Worker’s Compensation and General Liability Insurance. As a Certified 5-Star Contractor, you can trust that we have your best interests in mind!

Types of Asphalt Shingle Roofs We Install

There are three types of asphalt shingles to consider: three-tab asphalt shingles, architectural, and premium asphalt shingles.

Three-tab Asphalt Shingles

Three-tab shingles are the most common type of asphalt shingle. They are named after their cutouts, which make them look like three separate pieces. Three-tab shingles are lightweight and easy to maintain, lasting up to 20 years with proper maintenance.

Architectural Asphalt Shingles

Are you looking for a boost to your curb appeal? Consider architectural asphalt shingles. They have more color variety and add dimension to your roof’s appearance. Even better, they are laminated and come in reflective versions that reduce your cooling costs in the summer! They also have a longer lifespan of 50 years compared to three-tab shingles.

Premium Asphalt Shingles

Looking for something luxurious without the high-end cost? Premium / luxury asphalt shingles are designed to look like other types of roofing material, including slate and cedar shake.

The Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingle Roofing

When making your decision about the type of roofing you prefer, there will be pros and cons. It’s best to know what to expect.

Pros of Asphalt Shingles

Homeowners love installing asphalt shingles on their homes because they are affordable and durable. They are also an easy roofing material to work with because they are lightweight and easy to install. What this means for you is that your next roof installation can be completed in just one or two days with little disruption to your life. Of course, you want to make sure you hire a professional roofer who will ensure a proper installation!

Cons of Asphalt Shingles

As the most affordable type of roofing material, asphalt shingles also happen to have the shortest lifespan compared to others. However, they can last up to 20–50 years, depending on the type of shingle you choose. At the end of their service life, asphalt shingles cannot be recycled, thus contributing to landfills.