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Rumson, NJ Door Company

Having sturdy doors in your home is crucial. Without a strong barrier against the weather, you're simply asking for trouble. In addition to this weather protection, doors also keep you and your family safe inside. If yours are beginning to show signs of damage, wear, or tear, you may want to consider investing in a new door installation.

East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows is Rumson's respected remodeling company. Since 1979, we've been hard at work providing comprehensive services to homeowners around New Jersey and Mays Landing. We have helped over 25,000 families achieve the home of their dreams, and we'd love to add you to that list. With A+ rating and accreditation from the Better Business Bureau and an Angi "Super Service Award", you can feel confident in our skills and service.

When it comes to your doors, we offer:

  • Door Replacements
  • Door Style Options

Safeguard Your Home With an Exterior Door Replacement

It can be easy to neglect the proper maintenance of your doors, as many times wear and tear isn't obvious. However, if ignored for too long, you risk opening up your home to a multitude of problems. A Rumson door replacement is one of the more affordable exterior remodeling services, so it's often worth investing in a new product rather than fixing a faulty one. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, our skilled door contractors can provide you with new doors in no time at all. We offer a 10-year in-house workmanship warranty, so if there's ever an issue with our craftsmanship, we'll come out and fix it. 

Once your doors have been replaced, you'll benefit from boosted energy efficiency and visual appeal, both of which are crucial to your livelihood within the residence.

Multiple Eye-Catching Styles To Choose From

Not all doors are created equal, and it can be quite difficult to know which door type and material is right for your home. Luckily, we have countless gorgeous styles that you can browse. Whether you're looking for a strong entry door, a functional sliding door, or you need something more artistic, our inventory is sure to impress you.

All our door installations feature ProVia products. This exceptional brand comes with numerous benefits, including:

  • Warranty Protection: All ProVia's products, including what we use in our Rumson door installations, come with a lifetime warranty.
  • Durability: ProVia doors are carefully constructed with strong, weather-resistant materials that will keep your home protected in all conditions.
  • Energy Efficiency: With Reverse DualSeal Technology, you can say goodbye to pesky air gaps.

Start Your Remodel With a Free Quote from Our Rumson Door Replacement Company

New doors can be a simple and exciting renovation that you make in your home. With our quality replacements and diverse door types, you can rely upon East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows to provide you with a beautiful installation. In addition, we're there for your roofing, siding, gutters, and window needs. Get started with our door replacement company today and contact us for your free quote.