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Rumson, NJ Siding Company

It is always a good idea to invest in your home's exterior. If investing in siding services for your New Jersey home is long overdue, East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows can provide you with exceptional work.

Our Rumson home siding company is proudly accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating, giving you confidence in our process. Additionally, we're Angi "Super Service" and GAF "Triple Excellence" award winners, proving that we're highly skilled and dedicated to customer service. With over forty years of experience and 25,000+ customers, there is truly no better choice in Rumson. 

Our siding services include:

  • Siding Replacement
  • Siding Type Options
  • Stone Facade Siding
  • Soffits and Fascia

Quality Work From Rumson's Local Siding Company

Siding is often one of the last things in a home to get replaced. Many times, people buy an older home having no idea when the siding was last serviced. Eventually, however, a replacement is in order. If your siding has started to experience signs of wear like warping and cracking, bubbling, or color fading, contact our team to help remedy the problem. Our qualified Rumson siding installers will provide you with an immaculate installation that restores function.

Diverse Options for Your Residence

At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows we work exclusively with CertainTeed siding. This premium product is highly regarded for its visual appeal, durability, and warranty protection. When you schedule an installation with us, you can feel confident that you'll be getting quality materials. With CertainTeed, you'll have a variety of siding types available for your Rumson home, including:

  • Vinyl Siding: Very affordable, vinyl comes in multiple colors, allowing you to customize it to your home.
  • Polymer Siding: CertainTeed's Cedar Impressions line allows you to achieve the look of wooden shake, without the potential for rot.
  • Stone Veener: For a high-quality, premium look, stone facade is the best option for your home.

Premium, Highly-Durable Stone Veneer

Stone facade siding is one of the most durable, visually appealing siding styles that we offer. This material requires no advanced masonry skills during installation and is exceptionally durable. With a metal backing plate for water resistance, you'll never have to worry about leaks either. Stone adds irrefutable style to a home and is highly recommended for those seeking boosted curb appeal.

Comprehensive Soffit and Fascia Installations

Your siding installation is not complete without soffits and fascia. Our installers can provide these products to create a well-rounded, seamless appearance for your residence. Our Rumson soffits and fascia will help your attic breathe and will disguise any harsh transitions between your new siding and roof.

Begin Your Rumson Exterior Remodel With a Free Quote Today

At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we provide top-notch Rumson remodeling services. Our siding experts can give you high-quality siding replacements, beautiful style options like stone facade, and soffits and fascia. We also provide quality roofing, gutter, window, and door services, so get started with our team today and contact us for a quote.