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Rumson, NJ Roofing Contractor

Roofing can be an overwhelming topic for many homeowners. The thought of repairs or extensive renovations can be scary, both financially and emotionally. However, at East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we're committed to providing easy roof installations and affordable prices. We'll make sure that the entire roofing process is a walk in the park, giving you absolute peace of mind.

Our Rumson roofing company has been a staple of the New Jersey community since 1979. In our four decades of experience, we've helped over 25,000 families and would love to add you to that list. You can trust our Better Business Bureau accreditation and multiple industry awards, such as the GAF "Triple Excellence Award". We are the best team you can call, hands down.

We provide:

  • Roof Replacement
  • Roofing Style Options

A Top Rumson Roofing Contractor

A new roof installation can seem like a huge undertaking, but our skilled installers make it easy. Our Rumson roof replacements will help restore function to your home, increase thermal efficiency, and boost your visual appeal. We work extremely cleanly and effectively, never leaving behind a mess. In fact, you'll hardly even know we were there.

All our roofing contractors are GAF Master Elite certified, giving you confidence in our craftsmanship. We have an impeccable track record and can provide you with a flawless end result in no time at all. If you're interested in completing your exterior remodel, we also have siding services available for Rumson homes.

Quality Products From Leading Brands

When you're investing in your roof, you need to make sure that only the best products are installed. Many roofing companies provide low-end products at reduced costs, but these are guaranteed to fail in a short amount of time. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we strictly use GAF products. This highly regarded roofing manufacturer is praised for its durability and warranty protection. They also have a range of roofing styles for Rumson homes, including:

  • Asphalt Shingling: GAF's Timberline asphalt roof shingles are very versatile and come constructed with algae protection and extreme durability.
  • Designer Shingles: These premium shingles offer a more unique cut and appearance that elevates a home's aesthetic.
  • Solar Shingles: Interested in reducing your energy costs? Solar shingles provide top-quality energy efficiency and look fantastic.

Reach Out Today for a Free Quote

Investing in a new roofing system can be a serious process, but the expertise of East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows makes the process pain-free. Our competent, licensed installers provide impeccable roof replacements, and our beautiful products are proven to impress. As a complete installer, we also provide siding, gutters, windows, and doors. If you're in the Mays Landing or Rumson area and need our help, give us a call right away to get started with a free quote.